Thursday, July 15, 2010

Days Spent on Daisy Lane

This puzzle piece don't mean much to you, but to me, it holds the world/ I was five years old at my grandma's that day/ She smiled and laughed as we played games all the way/ Down memory lane this puzzle piece takes me/ Through love and laughter and the happier times/ When we lived just to be/ Grandma's old rocking chair sat on the front porch/ I did my chalk on the front walk/ Those same bricks gave me my very first ever scar/ Right here on my left arm/ But grandma held me close/ She didn't tell me not to cry/ She let me decide on my own/ And with a bandage, and a hug, and a glass of homemade iced tea, my arm didn't feel so bad/ Grandma pulled out a puzzle, a blanket, and a smile/ And set up a picnic in the lawn/ And when neither of us could piece together any of the pieces/ She let me pick out a piece to take home/ And there it sits today/ All cozy in its own box on the shelf/ Right next to a photograph of a beautiful woman who had a shooting star smile/ And a laugh that could erase all the pain in the world/ This puzzle piece don't mean much to you, but to me, it holds the world.

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